A downloadable game for Windows
The game was a project for the University of Salamanca
Second year of Grado de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones 3D Interactivas y Videojuegos
What is the game about?
A roguelike about dodging where you can't attack the enemies while you explore 3 different levels with zones to dominate(dominion mode).The game consist on not getting hit in the energy cell while escaping the three levels.
It can be played with WASD to move and the mouse to rotate the energy cell around the player,also Esc(Pauses the game), needs powerups F(spawn decoy),R(stuns the enemies) and RMB(increase the radius of the energy cell).
It can be played with the left joystick to move and the right joystick to rotate the cell,also select/vista(pauses the game),needs powerups RT(increases the radius of the energy cell),X(in xbox, creates a decoy),B(in xbox, stuns the enemies).
You incarnate the little D13-G0, a robot that needs to travel with his energy cell to another city.
Diego Hernández Pérez
Manuel Olivas Sotos
Lucia García Bobillo
Juan Camilo Mora Villaquirán
Alberto Prieto Sutil
Modeling and texturing
Diego Hernández Pérez
Manuel Olivas Sotos
Lucia García Bobillo
Alberto Prieto Sutil
Carlos Francia Petit
External assets
The font Orbitron,the holographic texture is from freePBRmaterials.
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